Saturday, June 13, 2009

Resume and Fishing

Saturday, I spent some time with myself today. I was talking to friends in Malaysia, happily announcing my date home. Only did I realized that a lot of my friends who had graduated almost the same time as me will start their working life soon, very soon, everywhere in Malaysia and Singapore. I can't waste time anymore, I don't want to waste time anymore. I should have enough break by then. If I were to still lead my honeymoon life after I go home, that would probably be just an excuse for me to escape from working. I always remind myself that this trip home is not for fun anymore.

Anyway, I did quite some job applications on Jobstreet for KL and Singapore. The application style is so different!!! In Malaysia, employers want you to voice out your expected salary, which in US is a BIG NO, until you secure the job. Then, most companies in Malaysia ask for a photo along with your resume, and in US, this will constitute a kind of discrimination. Not only photo, US companies cannot even ask for gender, race, or marital status questions in conducting interview. Another thing would be the length of your resume. My friend told me that her resume is 2 pages long and 3 pages with photo included. I was always told by my career coordinator to keep my resume in one page no matter how. Wondering why America always wants to be different from the rest of the world in everything.

Finally I went to BestBuy to try out camera and MacBook Pro. I love them!!! I am going to get them...both. *cool*

First fishing session happened today. It was sunny and hot. I had my SPF50 on. I am still very worried about getting tanned. I don't want to be tanned this summer, not this time. I don't want to go home causing neighbors telling my mom that I looked like I just lived at Africa for sometime, dark and thin (which happened last summer). I will try my very best to stay indoor till I get on the plane. But fishing, I guess I need to wear all long next time. I love my new hobby. Fishing is fun. Fishes in America are probably mostly deaf, because we talked and we shouted (maybe just me) and those dummies never go away. Result, I got zero fish today!!! Zero fish!!! Oh my!!! We were annoyed as the fake bait we used only lured the fishes to play with our bait. They never got hooked up. We went to Wal-Mart again and got the live bait. Tomorrow will be a better day. I am going fishing again tomorrow at 7am to find my big fat fishy. I promise to have fish buffet tomorrow evening while watching NBA finals!! We shall see...

Till then,



  1. I think the reason we are asked to keep our resumes to 1 page long is that we are students and thus we don't have so many things significant enough to share, so better leave out the crap so as not to waste the recruiters' time. Also, 1-page resumes suits better at career fairs.

    If you ain't a fresh graduate but have been out working for some time, I am sure there's no way you can compress your resume to a single page.

  2. So do u have fish buffet today?^^

  3. Yes!! Not really grand grand fish buffet, but It was really delicious!!! Chef: Mickey Vincent!!! yummy yummy!!!
